Good Quality Honey

Honey is produce by bee using special substance that bee's own to covert plant sugar into honey that useful for our health.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Fact of Pure Honey

We are all have know that pure honey is really difficult to find out, in the drug shop or in the supermarket. If you are really intense to the honey that are sold in Supermarket you will see that there is an expired date label on the honey bottle. This is not true the fact is:

Honey does not spoil

This is one of the greatest properties of pure honey, so you can place it anywhere for thousand years and it will not spoil. Base on the research honey contain fructose and glucose sugar, this is ideal sweetener, almost 20 to 60 percent more than sugar.

So if you have honey that is not similar with those characteristic, I think your honey is not pure, or it mix with other material like sugar or water.



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