Honey Honey Honey
What is a good quality honey? As generally many customer in this world don’t understand what like of good quality honey. Like me also don’t really what like of good quality honey, just believe to honey producer that they will give us a pure honey. Myself often buy a honey directly to honey farmer, because so many producer have mix this honey with many kind of additive.
Pure natural honey are only small quantity can get from the bee nest so many farmer also feel make a financial loss if just sell just a small quantity, so then they mix with some other additive substance, like water, sugar and many others.
Basically good honey quality have an essentially low water content, and will fermented is keep on the container for long time. But by mixing with original honey this mixture really difficult to differ because they are very similar with the original one, may be just chemicals laboratory people can differ that by some of chemical analyzes.
Row honey moisture contain no more than 14 % of water, and usually deemed as more valuable and hence is relatively more costly. Honey containing of up to 20% of water is not recommended for mead making. The honey mixing will no longer have a benefit for our health, we just like drink of sugar concentrates on water.
Labels: quality