Good Quality Honey

Honey is produce by bee using special substance that bee's own to covert plant sugar into honey that useful for our health.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Honey Bee Keeping Equipment

You want to keep honey bee to produce honey, you must use bee keeping equipment that usually use for. There are professional people to produce this, and not too expensive. One new hive with honey bees and basic equipment cost about US$ 150. You need the following equipment:
  1. Bee hive
  2. Bottom board from wood to stand the hive rest.
  3. Frame and foundation, a wooden frames hold the sheets of beeswax.
  4. Hive body of brood chamber, large wooden box that hold 10 frames of comb.
  5. Queen excluder, a spacer between the brood nest and honey supers.
  6. Honey supers, shallow supers with franes of comb
  7. Inner cover, prevent bees from attaching comb to outer cover and provide insulating dead air space
  8. Outer cover, provide weather protection
  9. Smoker, for working with bee
  10. Veil and Gloves
  11. Feeders, hold sugar syrup for bees feed



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