Good Quality Honey

Honey is produce by bee using special substance that bee's own to covert plant sugar into honey that useful for our health.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Honey Production

Honey are produced by honey bees, be contruct the nest to lay their egg on the nest and give the nest on each of their hole with honey to provide a food for their baby bee. Honey requires about 42 days from the deposit of a retilized egg by a honey bee queen to point where a worker bee becomes a forger. Worker bees brood spend 3 days as eggs, 5 to 6 days as larvae and 12 days as pupae before they emerge from the cell. After 42 days elapse, honey bees begin their foraging work. If the nectar flow first occur in May, they brood production needs to begin at least six weeks before the late of March, if there is to be the required number of foraging bees to bring in the nectar for maximized honey production.

A honey colony of 60,000 bees will significantly out produce two colonies of 30,000 bees. The first 15,000 bees in hive are required to sevice the queen, to nurse brood, and to perform the chores of house keeping. Honey nest will a honey colony with about 15,000 service bess (about 25% of total population), whereas with two colonies there are 30,000 bees (50% of the total populaltion) tied up with service duty. With one hive there are about 45,000 bees foraging, with two hives there are only 30,000 bees foraging.


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