Pure Honey Test
How to test the honey and proof it if it is not mixing with other substances? Many website have discuss about this and don't tell clearly about how to prof the origin of honey. Many traditional method that offer on how to test this honey but all method can be tricked so those method also can't valid anymore.
There’s another simple way which can be tried to verify the purity of honey: Observe how liquid honey comes down into a glass of water. Pure honey does not immediately dissolve in water; you will notice that it takes a bit of effort to stir it in the water to dissolve the lumpy bits, whereas sugar tends to dissolve easily in a jiggery as you drop them into the water. However, test result is sometimes not that clear because different honey varieties have different viscosity, some are denser and thicker than others, and obviously honey in cream form, even if it’s adulterated with other substance, will not dissolve as easy as liquid honey in water.
Many other method that familiar on how to test pure honey still controversy, those methods like pure honey will make egg ripe when mixed, the red part of egg will immediately ripe. Pure honey on the bottle will resulted gas that can be flamed if we give a fire above the bottle, pure honey will not make a news paper wet if we pour on it. Pure honey will not surround by ant if we pour on the floor but this often fail because ant also like honey.
Because no certain method that we can do easily so we can't predict if the honey is origin. May be only bee that can assess to honey if those real honey or imitate honey. Bee also like sugar but they only seep the sugar and after seep they can convert it into honey. So I think only bee that can make best assess of original honey.
Other method to test of pure honey can be learnt on this article "Forest Honey From Buton."
Labels: pure honey