Pramuka Honey
Cibubur not the place for camping only. Wide area, and some still forested, has long been used to raise bees. Even since the 1970s there was a body constituted Kwarnas named Scout Centre Scout Apiari bee keeping. Later, in 2005, following the trend of creating profits, and also increasingly open Cibubur region, this institution was changed to PT Honey Boy Scouts. On this area you can find out of "Pramuka Honey"
In addition to ease of cooperating with many parties, those changes also allow PT Madu Scouting for direct marketing of various live stock products. Not only honey bees, but also various means bees and honey production. Plus a variety of training and animal training.
In the past people could only see the areas of live stock area more if you want to get out the campsite area. Now do not have anymore trouble go to the campsite. PT Madu Scouting is open outlets in the front of the campground, not far from the exit toll Cibubur. Or if you want better to the outlets on this one, which is on the road a flower park, at the corner of Scout Training Center area.
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