Honey Source
Honey Production and Source
You have known that honey is always sell in supermarket and other small shop center. But do you know if you buy really real honey that come from the real source. Honey is taken from the bee nest. Bee to produce honey are may differ from one honey with others. But all honey is taken from the bee nest. The below picture all are bee nest, but not all bee nest produce honey.
Bee Nest |
Honey has two meaning in general, honey sometime used to called for their people they love, but honey on this blog tittle is honey that produce from bee, from plant and may from other source. Honey from bee is produce by bee that accumulate from plant that exert their substance from their plant body usually from their flower.
Honey have many kind, this depend on the kind of bee itself, certain bee is collected honey from certain plant while other bee more prefer to collect honey from other kind of plant, so this why the kind of honey is different of every kind of bee. Basically bee have the same process production for the collected honey from plant, if the source is different so the product result also will differ. The honey produce from certain bee may different with other bee just because of certain bee have a different substance to process honey.
Even though people know the source of honey are from plant but people can not convert directly from sugar from plant into qualified honey. To process sugar from honey need certain substance that available just inside honey body, and people can't produce this substance in laboratory. This substance is God creation that through bee They give to bee a special ability for this purpose. As human we as proper as be grateful can exploit the bee ability.
Labels: Source of Honey